Today I'm going to talk about creativity in terms of the role it plays in a successful behavioral chart. We've all seen the cookie cutter behavioral/chore charts that are out there, and don't get me wrong, they have their place and can be effective. However, when dealing with a child who just doesn't seem to keen on the idea of a behavioral chart in the first place, a cookie cutter chart isn't going to cut it.
To increase your odds of success, you should come up with a creative way to incorporate something your child is really into. Some examples of this can be seen in my last post of behavioral charts. In addition to the soccer chart shown, I've created charts for football and baseball. The stuffed animal chart was an idea for a child who really loved their stuffed animals. I even did one for a child who was really into balloons. The chance to be creative, and the challenge of developing an idea for some of the more unique interests, is really what I love about creating behavioral charts. No matter the interest, if you put on your creativity hat, you can come up with something.
The goal is to tie in the child's interest in order to get them more excited about the idea of the behavioral chart. It's even more successful if you can get your child involved with making their chart. So bust out the poster board and markers and let's get creative.

I'm not a parent and don't know any kids who have behaviour charts, either now or when I was younger, but it seems like an interesting idea. Thanks for sharing!
Love the picture! Kids and creativity go together like peas and carrots!
I have been toying with the idea of behavioral charts. With 5 kids I can hardly afford not to get on board with this idea.
Very interesting post! Thanks for sharing!
In the Center I work at, we use all sorts of things. You're right, if the child isn't interested and doesn't 'own' part of the thing, it won't work. And it needs to be age appropriate.
Great post!
Fascinating idea. I think I'm going to pass this on to by brother for his children! Thanks for sharing :)
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